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Film, 2015, 100 minutos
En la ciudad de Lagos, Nigeria, cuatro mujeres exitosas llegan a sus cincuenta años con seguridad y evalúan durante una semana cómo balancear amor, deseo y poder.
El film Fifty fue publicado en 2015 y dura 100 minutos. Sin clasificación. Esta película no ha sido clasificada.Esta film es Emotivo.

Fifty en IMDB

Puntuación: 6.1 de 10

FIFTY captures a few pivotal, days in the lives of four Nigeria women at the pinnacle of their careers. Meet Tola, Elizabeth, Maria and Kate four friends forced at midlife to take inventory of their personal lives, while juggling careers and family against the sprawling backdrops of the upper middle-class neighbourhoods of Ikoyi and Victoria Island in Lagos.They live and work in the resurgent, ever-bustling, 24-hour megacity of Lagos, the largest city of Africa's biggest and most vibrant economy. Tola is a reality TV star whose marriage to lawyer Kunle never stood a chance thanks to an invidious family secret. Elizabeth is a celebrated obstetrician whose penchant for younger men has estranged her from her daughter.Forty-nine year-old Maria has an affair with a married man that results in an unexpected pregnancy and Kate's battle with a life-threatening illness has plunged her into religious obsession. In this tender but unflinching exploration of love and lust,power and rivalry,life and loss in twenty-first century Africa's most populous city,and to the pulsating beat of the compelling and entrancing grooves of African Music,we see our four lead characters muster courage,put on their six-inch heels, working hard and partying too, and strut confidently to tackle life's curveballs head-on. Tola, Elizabeth, Maria and Kate rise triumphantly to the challenges of contemporary life faced by women everywhere and remain unbowed.


Actores en Fifty


Audio y subtítulos

Audio: inglés
Subtítulos: francés;español de España;alemán;neerlandés;inglés

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